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Last updated
A website header is the top section of every page on your WordPress website, and probably the first thing your visitors will see.
It often displays your website logo and title, navigation menus, and other important elements that you want users to see first.
Please go to WP-admin > Theme Options > Settings > General > Header
Turn on or off the Header
Go to Theme Options > Headers > Layout > Add New. Here you can create a new header layout or edit the current prebuilt headers of each theme.
Add a new section > Add a new row > Add an element "Header"
Enable or disable the Default option (If it's set as the default header, it will display on all pages.
If the header layout is not set as default, you're supposed to assign it to a particular template, so as to make it display properly on the pages you want.
On the right side, you will see a list of templates available, checkboxes to assign the header to templates.