Logo & Favicon

This article will let you know where to replace the theme’s logo with your own one. You can upload a logo for desktop view, mobile view, and sidebar header.

Please go to Admin > Theme Options > Headers > Open a header > Header > Scroll down to the Logo section. Select a Logo type (Image, text, or none). If it’s an image, you need to upload your logo image for both the default logo (on desktop view) and the mobile logo (on mobile view). If you choose the header sidebar mode, you’re supposed to upload the sidebar logo.


This feature allows you to add an icon along with your browser URL link. It is also known as a shortcut icon, website icon, tab icon, URL icon, or bookmark icon.

Please go to Admin > Theme Options > Settings > General > Favicon, and upload your browser URL icon. Note: It is advisable to apply a size of 96 x 96 pixels to the favicon icon.

Last updated