Blog Pages
World, Climate, Politics, Science & Tech, Business, and Travel
Blog layouts
The theme was created with different blog layouts for different topics.
World: Default layout
Politics: 1 Featured + Grid 2 Columns
Climate: 2 grid columns
Science & tech: 1 featured + image left
Business: blog left image
Travel: blog right image
To create blog pages including world, climate, travel, business, science & tech, and politics, you should create new pages, edit pages with Elementor > drag and drop UI Posts and configure available options.
UI Post Settings
UI Post settings allow you to choose the content resource, and categories, hide or show featured articles, select the ordering, limit the number of posts, pagination type (default or ajax loading) and so on.
Leading Settings
In the Lead Settings, you will find tons of options to manage the leading post. You can configure the image, button, content, meta, card, title, and more.
Image Settings
In the image settings, you're able to manage the image position (left, right, top, bottom or inside body)
If you choose Image left or right, you can also adjust the image width on different devices (large desktop, desktop, laptop, tablet, and mobile phone)
Meta Settings
In the meta settings, you can choose to display the author, category, date, tag and so on. It's up to you to decide which one should be presented before title, after title, after description or in the footer.
Content Settings
In the Content Setting, you can show or hide intro text, limit words, adjust the content font, color, or even enable drop cap.
Button Settings
Showing the read more button and editing the read more text is easily configured in the button settings. Moreover, you can adjust the button size, and button style and set the margin.
Last updated