
Translate Rental Units: Day, Month, Week, and Night

To change Day, Month, Week, and Night, you should go to Advanced Products > Custom Fields > Edit Rental Units (Protected field) > Choices > Change the rental units after the ":" You shouldn't change the rental value before ":"

Translate Words: For Sale, For Rent, Sale/Rent

About the word "All", you should go to Loco Translate plugin > plugins > TemPlaza Framework > Install your language > Search and translate the word [Plugins / Templaza Framework / templaza-framework-en_US.po (author)]

Translate "Share This" and "Make An Office Price"

Go to Theme Options> Settings > Advanced Product Options > Advanced Product Single > You can see Office Price Label and Share Label

Translate "Add To Compare"

You should go to Loco Translate / Plugins / Advanced Product / advanced-product-en_US.po (system) Create your language and start to search and translate the word.

Translate "Vendor Profile" and "Contact Vendor"

Go to Loco Translate plugin > Themes > AutoShowroom > en_US.po (author) > Create your language and start to search and translate the words

Translate "All", "Keyword:", and "Search ..." (placeholder text) in the sidebar filter on Inventory page

Go to Loco Translate plugin > Plugins > Advanced Product > advanced-product-en_US.po (system) > Create your language and start to translate.

About custom fields names, you should go to Advanced Products > Custom fields > Edit fields' labels.

For protected custom fields, you should edit field names only, don't try to edit or modify field names, which will mess the site up.

Translate "Sort By" Date: Newest First, Date: Oldest First, Title: A - Z, Title: Z - A, Price: High To Low, Price: Low To High

Go to Loco Translate plugin > Plugins > Advanced Product > advanced-product-en_US.po (system) > Create your language and start to translate.

Translate "Product Available"

Go to Loco Translate plugin > plugins > TemPlaza Framework > templaza-framework-en_US.po (author) > Install your language > Search and translate the word.

Translate the "Search" button text

If you want to change the search button text in the filter, go to Appearance > Widgets > Inventory Sidebar > TemPlaza - Advanced Products Filter

You can see the Submit text on the right sidebar.

Last updated